How fructose is out to kill you!

How fructose is out to kill you!

What we know as ‘sugar’ in drinks and snacks may be sucrose, glucose, fructose or in some processed products, High Fructose Corn Syrup [HCFS] . Sweets and desserts tend to have fructose  sugars in them.
[see here for more about HFCS].

Sucrose is the sugar you buy in a bag [chemically it’s one molecule of glucose bound to one molecule of fructose]. We can burn up glucose, but fructose is metabolised by a different route.

This different pathway means it passes from the gut directly into the liver where it is turned into fat stores [your muffin or beer belly]. One molecule of fructose is 40 times more potent than one molecule of glucose, so this is another reason to avoid it – well unless you are a Sumo wrestler or want to look like one! Cutting out fizzy drinks, fruit juices and high sugar cakes and desserts can make big contribution to fat loss.

Remember, when we want to raise our blood sugar, eg we have just earned a snack by doing significant exercise, we need slow release carbs, eg whole-wheat grains, root vegetables or modest portions of whole fruit or just more greens, protein and fat. Fat in particular is a great source of energy and interestingly, because there are bigger stores for fat digestion products in the blood, fat that is eaten rarely gets stored as body fat.

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